WARNING: This video contains adult situations and adult language. Viewer discretion is advised.
#freed #fiftyshades #eljames
Vortex Manipulater & Sonic Screwdriver Unboxing
We show you our love for Doctor Who and unbox some long sought after props
#doctorwho #sonicscrewdriver #vortexmanipulator #unboxing #review
Grand Theft Auto III Ways | Farewell “Chunky” Lee Chong
I’m gonna take you down to China Town so we can take care of one mister “Chunky” Lee Chong, not Continue reading “Grand Theft Auto III Ways | Farewell “Chunky” Lee Chong”
Freed: Chapter 2 by E.L. James | Couch Potato Mike’s Book Club
The long awaited chapter 2 of the even longer awaited book “Freed”
#fiftyshadesofgrey #eljames #freed
Gnasty Gnorc – Funko Pop Unboxing & Review
We take a good look at Spyro’s first villain
#gnastygnorc #spyro #OriginalFunko #unboxing #funko #pops #review